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Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound - Fun Facts and Crate Size

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Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound - Fun Facts and Crate Size

Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound

Quick Facts:

  • Not Yet AKC recognized
  • Life Expectancy: 10-14 years
  • Size: medium
  • Energy: high
  • Recommended Crate Size: 36" dog crate*

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Fearless and focused, the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is all business.  He does, however, take time off the clock to bond with his pet parent.  He’s a loving soul who is an expert in trailing wounded game, like deer and bear.  As far as loyalty, you’d be hard pressed to find one who is willing and able go the lengths to protect, love, and serve any more than this guy will. 

This dog is a Hound so he has some stubbornness and independent traits about him that were bred into him.  Those things make him who he is as an avid tracker.  But, they can also pose problems for him and for his humans in other settings.  He isn’t fond of being contained and doesn’t make a great small space dwelling dog.  But, given he’s in his element, you will be amazed at his character. 

Powerful and rare, the Bavarian Hound is a nosey one, a scent hound that can easily pick up a trail from a mile away.  If you think you’d like to get to nose this handsome fellow better and possibly lead him down a trail to your home, there are definitely some clues you’d better pick up on to see if having one would not only make scents but sense too.


The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound hails from Germany.  He is a relatively new breed of dog who was created with a purpose in mind.  He was born to fulfill a much-needed purpose, to track down game that had been wounded in a hunt but who had not yet succumbed to their injuries and had gotten away. 

The Germans were adamant about not losing their game which is commendable in that the killing was for survival.  They depended upon the game for nourishment.  When an animal escaped but was injured, he was most likely destined to die anyway, so why waste a good meal? 

The Bavarian was birthed in the 19th century in order to prevent the wasting of game.  A cross between the Hanover Hound and the Bavarian Hound, the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound rose to the challenge in no uncertain terms.  He is courageous and diligent.  He gets the job done.

It is likely that various other Alps breeds played into the Bavarian Mountain Dog’s heritage as well. 

The practice of having a scent hound to trail wounded game dates back to the Middle Ages, actually.  The weapons that were employed to kill game were grossly inaccurate so animals often were wounded but got away.  Animals, like dogs, were frequently used to track them down.

Even in the 19th century, weapons were not all that accurate and the human aim could be lacking as well.  Dogs were needed to retrieve the game that was injured but on the loose.  The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound was the perfect specimen for sniffing out the wounded animal.  They were bred to be just the right size, medium in stature, but huge in might.  They possess a steady and stable temperament, are extremely trainable, and were blueprinted with all the right stuff from their ever effective sense of smell to their strong bone structure, they were ideally suited for the cause. 

By 1912, the Mountain Scent Hound was on the scene, drawing attention from both hunters and clubs.  The Club for Bavarian Mountain Hound was founded in that year in Munich, Germany which begat similar clubs and breed standards in Hungary and Austria too. 

While the notorious American Kennel Club has not recognized the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound as a pure breed on record, they have, however, created a spot for him in their acclaimed Foundation Stock Service section which is an optional service of the recording of purebred dogs which aren’t able to be formally eligible for AKC registration.  It is not known if the AKC will ever recognize the Scent Hound but his standards are soundly intact within the alternative service all the same.

While this breed is still quite rare, he has come to a new popularity level in the recent past as many dog lovers are taking note of this noble one.  He is much calmer than most hounds and is an excellent companion for an active person.  He is, however, bounding with energy which must be harnessed. 

Those who live in an apartment or small space condo should not even entertain the thought of having a Bavarian Mountain Hound.  He’s much too active.  To coop him up would crush his bountiful spirit and no one wants that.  Even a fenced backyard is confining to this guy.  He needs to roam and romp on open space.  That’s what he was born to do.

Another thing he was born to do that runs through his blood like wildfire is to give chase.  His hunting and tracking instincts are overpowering.  You can take him off the hunting grounds but...  This dog cannot be expected to be a couch potato or the type to sit at the window and wait for you all day.  He’s much more than that.

This type of dog is certainly not suited for everyone.  Even those who are casual hunters generally are not qualified to own one although it can’t be counted out if the owner is diligent about being schooled on the needs of the breed.  Most are owned by foresters, game warden, and other avid and active professional outdoorsmen. 

Being a Scent Hound has its perks and its drawbacks.  They are well known for being determined and downright stubborn.  Those traits are vital when on a trail.  A dog who is willing to give up easily will never succeed in spending hours upon hours tracking down an animal.  But, when this type of dog is placed in a human’s world, it’s a different story entirely.  To be expected to be content behind a fence or stay inside a house all day is simply out of the question and way above and beyond the calling of his duty. 

The terrain in the Bavarian Mountains was rough and rocky.  The elevation was high and the climate could be grueling.  The game he tracked was often massive and very dangerous, even when injured.  Tracking required resilience, determination, and tenacity.  Never the less, this dog survived and even thrived.  He excelled in all he was commissioned to do and, if in the right environment that is conducive to his nature, and...he still does.


The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is a medium-sized dog, weighing in around 45 to 55 pounds, with females being slightly lighter.  Males average 18 ½ to 20 ½ inches tall while females running around 17 ½ to 19 inches.  He stands on very proportionally sized legs with his rear being slightly more elevated than his front side which was no doubt planned to give him speed and sure footing on the mountainous terrain he toppled. 

Every inch of the BMSH’s body is built for the job he was designed to do. He is athletically built and as agile as they come.  His very appearance screams of the hunting hound he is. 

His body tends to be a bit longer than tall and is raised up a little in his rump area.  He sports a thick, medium-length, strong and muscular neck that has a slight dewlap about it.  The topline slopes a tad, going upward from his withers on to his hindquarters.

The chest of a BMSH is somewhat wide and is certainly well-developed.  It is long and has a bit of a tuck upward.  His back is solid and a bit on the long side.  It is strong and sturdy for carrying his weight through all types of terrain. 

His skull is broad, somewhat, and is slightly domed in shape with a pronounced stop at the nose and a slight curve at the bridge of his nose.  His muzzle is quite broad and his jaws, solid as a rock and a bit intimidating if you look closely at them.  His lips fully cover his mouth.

The Bavarian Mountain Dog’s nose is always black or dark red and his nostrils are wide - fully equipped to sniff game out from long distances and to keep on their trail until he nails them.  He snout is fully equipped for the job at hand, you might say.

His ears hang low, set high on his head but hang to his head and go long.  They are rounded at the tips but broad at the base giving a tapered off effect.

The tail of this breed is medium length and high set.  It hangs down to be ground level or hangs to his hocks.  Interestingly, his skin is a tight fit which was designed in order to prevent sagging of it during tracking time. 

The coat of this Hound is thick, short, sleek, and shiny.  It lays flat against him and is a little harsh.  On his ears and his head, the coat is finer in texture.  On his tail, legs, and abdomen, it is a little harsher which was strategically planned to protect him from the elements he came across in these bodily areas.  Simply amazing!

You’ll find the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound in all shades of brindle or black-masked fawn.  It is possible, however, to also find them in red or fawn and a couple of other colors too.

Faint black hairs within the coat are common in this breed.  They can actually be plucked out if you wish but it is a trademark of sorts.  His tail is almost always a darker color or shade that the majority of his coat.  You’ll likely find a patch of white on his chest, another hallmark marking.

Proud, strong, and capable.  That is the air this breed puts off and rightly so.  He is a master at the task he was born for and his body is living proof of that.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends a 36" dog crate* for most adult Bavarian Mountain Scent Hounds.

More Information


Bavarian Mountain Hound is known for being calm, cool, and collect.  He’s quite poised compared to other Hounds.  He is, however, a Scent Hound, to the very bones, single-minded when on the trail, a very diligent hard worker.  He boasts a bright and lively spirit and is very athletically inclined.  He wants nothing more than to track the game he’s after and win his master’s heart. 

Devoted with all his heart, the BMSH is a loving dog which is somewhat rare for a hunter and tracker of his caliber.  He will defend his family to his death without thinking twice about it.  This trait is his saving grace.  Being a Hound, he has some characteristics that are very stubborn and independent.  But, his desire to please makes him a joy as a companion to an active pet family and also aids in his trainability as well.

Still, his instincts are overpowering.  Even when trained not to give chase to other animals, it is difficult for him to refrain.  Tracking and chasing are in his blood.  It’s almost as if he just can’t help it. 

This great guy requires a firm and loving owner who will set his leadership in place as the leader of the pack.  Anything less will simply not do and will lead to an unruly Bavarian Mountain Dog in no uncertain terms.  Please note that this breed is a Scent Hound and he is not really given to be a pack animal.  Dogs are pack animals in general, due to their distant relationship with animals like wolves, so all have it in them in some fashion, but this is definitely not strong in this breed.  He will, however, respond to leadership so the same rules apply.

He can be decent with other dogs if raised alongside them but isn’t one to just want to hang out with other dogs for companionship.  The lack of pack mentality in this breed is the main reason why that is.  He’s more of a loner aside from the relationship he has with his humans.

Lack of extensive exercise on a daily basis will also lead to a naughty pooch.  He gets bored at the drop of a hat, both physically and mentally.  Remembering what he was bred to do is helpful so you can exhibit patience with him and commit to his burning desires and his needs as an active dog.

Even though he is indeed trainable, the training only goes so far.  When he is on the trail and focused on the scent, almost nothing will deter him.  Even recall commands by his hunter owner are often ignored.  He is unstoppable when on a mission and that’s just the cold, hard facts.  He is valuable for this reason and more for professionals in the wild and for rescue crews in demanding and dangerous territories too. 

At the same time, more and more of these dogs are finding their way into the homes and hearts of everyday families.  That’s a good thing, in a way.  He makes a great guard dog and an awesome companion. They tend to love people, children especially but should be supervised around the very young and the very old as well because they are bounding full of energy. 

But, he is also likely to pull some crazy antics like jumping across the sofa to land onto the arm of your recliner if he sees something he’d like to have like your dinner plate or bowl of ice cream.  A happy medium with this dog seems to be keeping him outside during the day, providing you have a large open space and/or a very big yard with a secured fence and no way for him to dig his way out or climb over it.  Bringing him inside at night is certainly doable...he sure things to.  Like a bull in a China cabinet, the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is unique, daring, and a little on the naughty side at times so you’ll want to work with him according to the scenario he is in, whether he comes in at night or at intervals throughout the day...or not.

This guy is friendly though.  He’s a social one who is also very intelligent.  He’s a little wary of strangers until he gets to know them though.  That usually doesn’t take long.  It’s not unusual for him to have a favorite family member and to become very attached and bonded to them.

Don’t think you can leave this guy all by himself for long.  He may be quite independent in the hunt and tracking scene but he’s very sewn at the hips too.  Separation anxiety is present in most Bavarian Mountains.  In many ways, they are just big babies.

Along with being in love with his owner and family, this dog is in love with his job.  He lives to do it with excellence.  His work ethics are like none other.  He is quite miserable without a job, however.  If he doesn’t have one, it will be up to you to create one for him.  Whether it’s fetching the morning paper or wearing a doggie backpack to mimic a job, be sure to at least make him think he has employment.

This dog isn’t your typical one.  He’s a Hound and not even a typical Hound.  Truly unique and a treasure, he requires some special treatment to make sure he gets his energy out, gets bonding time in, and is appreciated for the fine worker he is.


There’s not a lot of fuss that goes into keeping the Bavarian Mountain Scent Dog groomed which is a good thing because he isn’t one who likes to sit still while being pampered unless it’s just to get a good head or backrub. 

You will need to brush him regularly to keep his shedding under control.  He doesn’t shed tremendously but does keep a certain amount of hair loss going the entire year round with more falling out in the change of seasons like spring and fall.  But, it’s nothing a good weekly brushing can’t help minimize.  You will want to brush him more often during the change of seasons.  He will eat it up and it will make his coat shiner and his skin will be healthier because of it too.

Bathing your Bavarian doesn’t need to happen often, especially if he’s not a house dog.  A few times a year plus any time he gets too muddy, dirty, or skunky is usually sufficient.  Use a good, hypoallergenic dog-friendly shampoo on him and towel fluff him afterward to make sure his coat is able to do what it naturally does - protect him from the elements.

Pay close attention to his ears.  Ears that hang long tend to trap in dirt, and bacteria.  This breed is prone to ear trouble so do your best to take preventative measures.  Keep them clean and dry.  Take him into the vet to have them examined at the first sign of problems like if he is pawing at them a lot or if you notice they are inflamed, red, or irritated.

Brushing his teeth is imperative.  By doing so, you will help reduce his risk of gum disease, bad breathe, and cavities.  Using a doggie flavored toothpaste and a doggie toothbrush is helpful in gaining his cooperation.

His toenails will most likely wear down naturally if he’s outside a lot like he should be.  You will still want to check them weekly for tears, splits, or chips.  If they need any mending, do so immediately to keep further problems from occurring.  Also, clean them as well as his paw pads where dirt and mud tend to get stuck.

Give your Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound a good once over each and every week.  Look for any battle scars like scrapes from barbed wire fencing or scratches incurred while going through briars.  Check for stickers and thorns too.

Little grooming is required for this dog.  He certainly doesn’t need any frills but you do need to keep him up and make sure he’s at his natural best.


Being a hunting and scent Hound, the BMH needs to be fed a high-quality, protein-based dog food that is specially formulated for active working dogs.  Speaking with his breeder or veterinarian about the kind of food to give him and the amount and frequency he needs it in is helpful. 

In general, you’ll want to make sure it is rich in animal protein and contains moderate to high-fat content for balance, depending upon his individual activity level.  If he is not getting the exercise he requires by nature, he may tend to get a little pudgy, even at a young age.  This is not good.  Obesity in dogs is as dangerous as it is for humans.  It can easily lead to medical problems like heart disease, Diabetes, the strain on the joints and muscles, and a myriad of other woes.

Initially, when he’s a small pup, you’ll probably need to feed him small meals throughout the day.  When he grows a little and his tummy can hold more, you can cut back on the number of times you feed him.

Limit his treats as this dog can be a bit of a piggy.  Reserve them for special times and he’ll be fine.

As with all dogs and other animals, he will need a ample supply of clean, fresh water available to him at all times.


Exercise? Oh yes, this handsome fellow will need oodles and gobs of it and he will need it on a daily, if not hourly, basis.  He was born and bred to track game, sometimes huge massive game that could travel for miles and miles of rough and rugged territory, even when injured.  He had to be energetic and always on the move.  Today, all that has changed for this breed except for a select few who are lucky enough to be in the domain they were designed for, doing what they do best.

The Bav Mountain Hound will require at least one hour of walking unless he’s on a farm or ranch and is left to his own devices, exercise-wise.  Even still, you should take him on formal walks to instill the leadership role in him and to promote bonding. 

When walking him, be sure to lead the way from the moment you take the first step until the walk is over.  Letting him even walk in front of you will give him the false notion that he’s the leader.  Insist that he refrain from giving chase to anything, sniffing everything along the way, and peeing on every stick of grass.  A formal walk is designed to do exactly what it says...walk!

Especially when walking him in public, be sure he is secured on a leash.  His instincts to dash off and not come back when called are great and the situation can turn dangerous very quickly.  Beware.  The BMSH is very powerful behind his leash.  You may want to employ the use of a harness to discourage him from tugging and pulling.

In between his walks or avid exercise time on his own, he’ll need some fun, physically exerting activities.  Playing Frisbee and Fetch are favorite games of his.  He will love chasing you (or anything) too.  Keeping activities within his element is recommended.

Don’t forget to mentally exercise this breed as well.  He’s very smart and needs to use his noggin’ or he’ll get quite bored.  Since he’s a scent Hound, you can create mentally challenging games for him to play like “Hide and Seek the Scent” and so forth.  Brain games are excellent for him too and can be found online, in eBooks, and in hard copy books too. 


The Bavarian Mountain Scent Dog was born to take orders to some extent.  He belonged to a hunter or group of hunters and was expected to track injured game during the hunt.  He was not only expected to track them but to sniff them out and locate them as well.  That meant he was certainly trainable then and he is now too.  But, not without challenges.

The Bav is smart and he knows it.  He can be too smart, manipulating you on every turn if you let him.  He can and will even play dumb if he’s not into what you are asking him to do.  Don’t let him fool you.

This dog is all heart though.  That’s what you’ve got to lean on during his training.  He longs to please you.  Pats and verbal rewards go a long way with this fellow.  Scolding or harsh tones will get you nowhere.  Treats are tantalizing too.  Just limit them, of course.  Treats are best reserved for big learning curve tricks and training.

You must step up and be the leader of his training classes. Being straightforward is imperative to his well-being.  If you can’t or won’t, you’ll need to hire a professional trainer or pass on having a Mountain Scent Hound.  It’s that simple.

Housebreaking is vital even if he will spend all or most of his time outdoors.  You never know when the weather could become so severe he’d need to come in or if he fell ill and required a stay of time inside.  He’s simple to potty train though.  He’s large enough to handle holding it for a while and he’s certainly not a sissy when it comes to going out in the heat, cold, or wet weather conditions.  Just show him where to do his business outside and how to let you know.  The rest should be a piece of cake as long as you reward him with lavish pets and plenty of praise. 

Socialization must come early with this guy.  His entire life will depend upon how he does socially.  Training him early on is recommended.  Take him into as many situations as you can to expose him to a myriad of scenarios like being in a busy, noisy place and also being in spots of solitude where he is expected to be quiet.  Let him be around people of all ages and all temperaments including young, lively children and older adults.  Expose him to other animals but do be careful he can’t get away to chase cats, pocket pets, or any scampering creature.

Crate Training is a good idea where this fine fellow is concerned.  He has deep separation anxiety so if you leave with him inside the house, you’ll most likely want to crate him.  It is also helpful in his training time.  You can read up on crate training and also employ measures to make him think positively about his crate, like a security hideaway.

Obedience training is for his safety and well-being as well as for that of humans and animals who are around him.  He must master the basics like sit, stay and come.  But don’t stop at those.  He’s way too smart to miss out on all the commands.  You need to make sure he is obedient to your commands without the bribe of a treat in hand.  In the event of an emergency like stopping him from darting into the street with a car coming, he must mind you immediately and unconditionally. 

Agility training is good for this dog and he is excellent at it.  He’s a physically fit, high endurance soul so he will enjoy all the things this course entails.  You can take him for public lessons on a public course or even build him his own on his own turf.  This type of training is optimal for encouraging him to embrace his mental energy and his physical energy at the same time.

Lure Course training is absolutely ideal for the Mountain Dog.  He is all about following things and is pro at using his sense of smell as well as other skills in order to reach the goal at the end of the line.  Be sure to take him to a public lure course or build him one of his very own.

Because the Bavarian Mountain Hound is such an intelligent breed who was blueprinted to work, keeping him in his element is priceless when training him, especially for tricks.  While he might not be the best one to consider for singing and dancing routines, you can certainly have him show off his scents-ability skills through tricks.  Train him to recall specific scents by name such as a bone, an old shoe, etc.  Get him to fetch each one as you call out their name.  He will ace this one after minimal class time.

The BMSH also is super good at solving problems so brain training is a must.  Have him learn to work puzzles and solve treat mazes.  He will probably create a few genius ones of his own.

The mind and physical ability of the Mountain Hound is a terrible thing to waste.  Don’t just stick him in the field or in the back yard.  Take the time to train him so he will be at his ultimate.  You will never regret doing so.


The Bavarian Mountain Hound usually enjoys a long and healthy time on earth with a life expectancy of ten to fourteen years or better.  There are some medical conditions that are common to this breed, however. 

Keeping an eye out for any signs and symptoms of these maladies is very important so you can seek speedy treatment for him if he does develop any problems.  A quick trip to his vet can save his life.  The best offense is a great defense and vice versa.  Some of the issues are genetically rooted while others are generally caused by his rough and tumble nature and his daring and athletic lifestyle out in the wild.

The first thing you will want to do is to make sure you get your pup from a reputable breeder so you can check his health condition by viewing his paperwork and tests and also those of his parents.  This breed is unique in that it is a rarity and finding puppies can prove to be a difficult task.  The rarity of the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound has opened the doors for greedy, irresponsible breeders to step in, charging outrageous prices for pups in poor health.  Don’t give your money to support such breeders. 

The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is blessed because he is a mix of a number of breeds so he doesn’t face the gene pool issue that purebred dogs do.  For this reason, he is less susceptible to many hereditary diseases and conditions. 

Instead, you can adopt internationally (like from Germany and surrounding countries) or even check for the breed at a rescue or shelter.  Since the BMSH is sometimes difficult for novice dog owners to manage, a good number are surrendered.  Do be sure you are up for the challenge before bringing one home though.  The last thing that is needed is one more Bavarian Mountain Dog surrender.

Some of the health woes this breed is susceptible to are:

Hip Dysplasia is caused by a formation that is abnormal in the hip socket.  It starts out mild, as a rule, and eventually becomes so deformed, it causes lameness, pain, and arthritis of the joints.  It is more common in larger breeds but the BMSH is apt to get this condition too, unfortunately.  While most cases are a result of a genetic disposition, sometimes the condition is caused by continuous running on rough terrain and jumping from tall heights.  This medical problem is the most common root of canine hip arthritis so if your dog is limping, favoring a leg, or has problems getting around, be sure to have him checked for this issue.

Elbow Dysplasia is similar to Hip Dysplasia but it, as the name implies, a problem in the elbow area.  The problem is the same as far as the root cause is the abnormality of the bone fitting into the socket that allows it to move as it should.  If your dog is showing issues of mobility in the elbow area or seems to be in pain in that region, he should be checked.

Ear problems are common to the breed.  He tends to get ear infections easily due to his long hanging ears that trap in dirt, debris, and bacteria of all kinds.  As mentioned before, be sure to keep his ears clean and dry and take him in for his ears to be checked at the first sign of ear trouble.  If left untreated, he could have to have surgery or even be left deaf.

Cerebellar Dysfunction is an inherited genetic disorder that does afflict the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound sometimes.  It is marked by motor dysfunction. If you notice your dog swaying back and forth in an unusual manner, tilting his head oddly, or losing his coordination, take him in to be checked immediately.

One of the most common problems, medically, within the Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound family is the bangs and bruises they incur while out in the wide open.  If the dog is a hunter and tracker, there are a number of serious problems he may incur such as close encounters with the animals he’s tracking which lead to injuries or injuries suffered while on their trail like cuts, bruises, and even broken bones.  Even if he is not an active tracker, if he’s outside, he’ll be doing all he can to do what his instincts command which means he is apt to have anything from minor scrapes to major accidents.  Be sure to check him often and take him in for treatment should he have any such issues.

Hopefully, your BMSH will live a long and healthy life.  With the information given above, you are now in tune with things to watch out for so if he shows symptoms or signs, you can take fast action and have him back on the trail to good health in no time.

Is a Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound the Right Dog for Me?

So you think this handsome hunk is the Hound you’ve been hankering for, do you? If you are set on having him, you’ll need to a little soul searching first.  It’s only fair given that he is not your everyday dog.  He requires special care and is not for the faint of heart or for new dog owners.

Do you have a wide open space where you can give him room to romp, hunt, and sniff things out in?  That is what this dog needs and the type of environment he will thrive in.  If you live in an urban setting but have a large, secure backyard and are willing to exercise him vigorously for at least one hour per day, you’re in luck because although it’s not the ideal situation, he can work within that scenario.

Are you active?  This dog needs lots and lots of physical and mental stimulation.  He must be in a family or with a sole owner who will be sure he is able to be out and about most of the time.  If you are into hiking or biking and plan for him to accompany you on your travels, as long as you make sure he doesn’t take off on a wild trailing tangent, you’ll have one of the best canine companions to enjoy your activities with.

If you know that you are a pushover where dogs are concerned, this dog will probably be better off without you.  He will take the leadership role which isn’t healthy for you or for him.  He needs a firm hand with a gentle touch.  He must respect you as being the one in charge.  With that in place, the sky is the limit for him.  He will flourish.  He is easy to train for those who have what it takes as teachers but if you cannot or will not step up to the plate to do so, spare him the misery.

This dog takes patience.  Although he’s a loyal dog and a lover of people, he can, as any Hound, get a willfulness about him and can be very stubborn. To lose your temper with him will hurt his feelings and also make him even more rebellious.  He needs someone who is assertive and kind. 

In the event that you are not going to be at home much, don’t even think this dog will tolerate that.  He will be tormented by your absence and he will let you know about it too.  You’ll find he can and will be very destructive, chewing on your best shoes and maybe even the sofa or lawn furniture.  He’ll bark insistently and do everything else in his power to prove to you that you have wounded his spirit and that you must repent and change your evil ways.  He must be in the company of his human much of the time - no way around it.

Do you have other pets?  He is not an overly social guy with other dogs.  He will tolerate those he grows up with but really makes a better only child.  If you have pocket pets or cats, you might want to think twice about bringing him onto the scene.  He simply can hardly help himself.  His instincts are too strong to expect him to not chase them.

This dog would climb the highest mountain for you though.  He would go to the ends of the earth and back to prove his undying love for his humans.  He’s loyal almost to a fault and despite his independent nature, he’s very sensitive and loving.  If you are looking for a dog that can hike the forest with you by day and snuggle with you when he is spent, you might just be in luck.

Knowing all the facts, if you still are set on this athletic, agile, intelligent and loving soul, hold on to your heart.  The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound will cut a trail straight to your soul and your life will never, ever be the same.

  * Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.

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