Quick Facts:
- Not AKC Recognized
- Lifespan: 10-15 years
- Size: small to medium
- Energy: medium to high
- Recommended Crate Size: 22" dog crate*
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Puggles are every bit as cute as the name sounds. Then again, you wouldn’t expect anything less when you cross a Beagle and a Pug. Adorable, fun-loving, and smart as a whip, this designer dog breed is a lot to love in a fairly small package.
Delightfully silly, occasionally stubborn, this guy is an affectionate companion that fits right into even a small space place. He is quite versatile, just as the breeders intended when they created this hybrid mix. And talk about spunky! He’s a little ball of joy!
The very first Puggle arrived on the scene in Wisconsin in the 1980s. Although attempts had been made on breeding such a designer dog, the forerunning success belonged to Wallace Havens who also gave the new hybrid breed their endearing name.
It didn’t take long for this adorable, gentle, and oh-so-cute crossbreed to catch on all across the United States and even beyond. By 2000, this distinctive new dog was making his way into the hearts and homes of many pet lovers.
Due to the fact they are not purebreds, the Puggle is not allowed into the American Kennel Club nor the Canadian or United Kennels Clubs.
The Puggle may take after one parent more than the other. If you bring one into your life, make sure to understand that what you get may vary greatly. All have the looks and traits of both sides, Pug and Beagle. But the mix you will end up with is anyone’s guess. Many feel you simply can’t go wrong blending the two great breeds.
Pugs are small dogs but are solidly built. The dog breed dates back to days before 400 BC. They were a popular pet Buddhist Montessori even though they have always been known for being playfully mischievous.
Beagles have been a well-loved dog breed since their beginning. They are hounds with an incredible sense of smell. Beagles were made even more famous by the beloved cartoon dog in “Charlie Brown” movies.
With the deep roots of the new hybrid dog, it is easy to see why he was an instant star.
That face! And...those ears! The mix of Pug and Beagle is most apparent in his cute little face that is usually a tan shade but can be another color. He typically has the Pug black mask and the wrinkly forehead too. His ears are long and floppy like a Beagle. It is not unusual for a Puggle to have a slight puppy look for the majority of his life.
The Puggle varies greatly in size as most dogs made through crossbreeding. Mature adults range anywhere between 15 and 40 pounds and stand from 8 to 15 inches at the shoulder. Their faces may sport a snout that is short and somewhat squashed in like the Pug side or longer like the Beagle parent.
The Puggle generally has short hair. Their colors and patterns of their coats can differ as well. Black, tan, and fawn are the predominant coloring. Patterns on their coat may be found in those same colors and much of the coat characteristics depend on the parent breed they most take after.
It is recommended to provide food that is specifically formulated to your Puggle’s needs. Puggles vary a lot in size so you will want to go by the size of your particular dog and also talk to your veterinarian. It is important to feed him a high-quality dog food that is suitable for his size which may be small all the way up to medium.
As a puppy, he will require more but then you can begin to tailor his diet to his age and size. Pugs love to eat and actually Beagles do too but Beagles tend to keep the weight off more easily.
Particularly with this dog, be certain to keep plenty of fresh water readily available to him at all times and if you travel or go anywhere outside the house with him, bring some water and a bowl along.
The Puggle does shed. They require weekly brushing so the loose and dead hairs can be removed. They tend to have folds in their skins and wrinkles that need to be cleaned with a gentle shampoo and dried thoroughly.
Because they have long hanging ears, the Puggle can have ear trouble if they are not kept clean and dry. Moisture gets trapped inside the canal of the ear which can easily lead to fungal and bacterial infections.
If left untreated, deafness may occur. Ears that become severely infected require surgery much of the time. Be sure to clip his nails regularly as needed. If he is active outside on concrete or where he can wear his nails down, they won’t need clipping as often.
You should know right away how energetic your Puggle is...or isn’t. Especially in puppy-hood, Puggles can be pretty active. Most of them can run quite fast which is amazing. They are great jumpers too.
Your Puggle will need a 30-minute walk each day at the very least. If your dog is high energy, you will want to take him twice a day and perhaps for a longer stretch than 30 minutes.
In the event that your Puggle is lower energy, you may need to go slower on your walk. No matter the size, they all tend to get thirsty very often so be sure to bring water with you on your walks together. Keep in mind that they naturally have an internal temperature that runs higher than most dog breeds.
Pet Crate Size
Pet Crates Direct recommends a 22" dog crate* for most adult Puggles but due to variances in size, a smaller or even larger size may be needed. Be sure to add 6” onto the shoulder height of your dog to calculate the correct size.
More Information
The personality of a Puggle is usually a nice cross between the Pug’s tendency to be a lover and an awesome companion and the Beagle’s inquisitive, fun-loving nature. Some have bounding energy, like a Beagle, and others love to chill like Pugs. At the end of the day, they all love to snuggle and cuddle.
In general, no matter the exact mix of traits, most Puggles make excellent family dogs. Dog owners can rest assured that they are extremely affectionate and adore children. Another thing they love is to sniff, something Beagles were born to do.
They also love to chase. Although they will get along great with most other pets in the family, it is highly possible they will give chase to smaller animals, like a kitten. When they grow up together, the situation is usually easily remedied.
Puggles can be a little independent and stubborn at times. They are very bonded with their family though so letting your dog know what pleases you and what doesn’t is imperative to raising a good, well-behaved Puggle.
Puggles like to bark. They get that trait from the Pug side. They also love to howl which the Beagle blood is responsible for. You can nip excessive barking and howling in the bud when he’s a pup though.

Puggles generally enjoy a life of about 10-15 years and are generally healthy, as a rule. As is the case with hybrid dogs, the unfortunate thing is that they get health issues from two breeds, the Beagle and the Pug and therefore, a number of concerns must be regularly screened for throughout his life.
Puggles do have tracheal issues sometimes which can be chronic or even fatal. The collapse of the trachea is the main condition noted. Neurological problems are not uncommon either. “Pug Dog Encephalitis” is a condition that plagues the Pug family. Seizures are caused by the swelling of the brain and can result in death.
Luxating patellas is another issue that may surface which is when the kneecaps come out of place causing difficulty in walking and pain. Dental problems may also be seen in this breed so don’t forget to have his teeth cleaned and checked on a regular basis to avoid cavities and gum diseases.
Obesity issues are fairly common in Pugs. You will want to keep a close eye on his eating habits since obesity can cause many other ailments too like heart disease, diabetes, and more. This can lead to health problems such as hip dysplasia. Adequate physical activity levels will help ensure proper weight management.
When mixed breeding is involved, you will definitely want to go through a breeder you can fully rely on. Be sure the full health has been checked out on both sides, the Pug parent and the Beagle parent.
Puggles are fairly easy to train if you can get them to cooperate. Once you have established yourself as the leader, it should fall into place. They are highly intelligent and do like to please although they have a mind of their own at times.
Socializing your Puggle puppy early in his life is highly recommended and shouldn’t take much effort. They tend to be naturally social and friendly. Teaching him not to chase smaller (and even larger) animals will be imperative.
His nose may get him in trouble so training him to stay out of the trash and not to take sniffing detours while you are walking him are other areas of concern you will need to address and conquer.
Brain games are great for Puggles because they can definitely get bored. They are also quite smart and love to have your undivided attention so you might be on the lookout for some fun and mentally challenging games to play with him. He will be quick to learn while in training as long as his stubborn side doesn’t kick in.
Is a Puggle a Good Fit for You?
Puggles are absolutely adorable. In fact, they are almost perfect in every way imaginable. But, they aren’t. Knowing the possible problems with this breed of dog is a must if you are considering getting one.
First and foremost, unless you are able to actually see and spend some time with the dog, you won’t know quite what you are getting - predominant Beagle or predominant Pug. And...there is a big difference.
While Puggles can fit into an apartment, it is only advisable to do so if you are sure you can provide daily exercise for him. Also, his barking and howling may upset the neighbors and your family members as well.
If he gets bored or has too much energy stored up, he will find trouble to get into and he usually doesn’t have to look very far. He gets that from both parents.
Puggles are pretty portable. They are generally small enough to fly in passenger seating with you and you can bet they will be the center of attention when they do. They are flexible and adaptable to some extent. As long as you have him trained and let him get his energy out, a Puggle can fit into most any situation.
Be sure, if you are going to take one into your life that you are willing to check out all his medical needs and tend to any issue he has. Although Puggles are generally healthy, they do have risks coming from both sides.
If you have children, a Puggle is a good choice as long as they are old enough that they won’t be overwhelmed with his energy level. If you have pets in the house, be sure to introduce them calmly and all should be fine.
Puggles are social creatures but they can be bull-headed so if there are any issues with family members of the human variety or of the animal kind, simply let him know who is boss and that you are in charge, not him, and he will follow suit. He is a lover of people and of animals.
If you are prepared to put into a Puggle the things that he will require, you will not find a better, smarter, more loving dog that will quickly become a very important part of your family.
* Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.