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Wire Fox Terrier – Fun Facts and Crate Size

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Wire Fox Terrier dog crate size

Wire Fox Terrier

Quick Facts:

  • AKC recognized in 1885
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Size: Medium
  • Energy: Medium
  • Recommended Crate Size: 30” dog crate*

Return to main Dog Crate Size Breed Chart.


This wiry dog can hunt!  And, he’s kind of cute and all-around adorably awesome.  The Wire Fox Terrier hails from across the pond in England where he’s been traced back to English Hunting Dogs.

Intense, inquisitive, and very intelligent, the Wire Fox is a character.  Although he was created in the mid 19th century to dislodge game, like chasing foxes out of their holes, he has long since become more of a companion dog to many.  But, you might not know it.  His live-wire seems to still be on the hunt sometimes.

If you are looking for a spunky soul to explore the great blue yonder with you yet cuddle when the day is done, this might just be your guy.  Keep reading to find out if this foxy fox hunter is an ace in the hole for you...or not.


The Wire Fox Terrier, also known as a Wirehaired, has English Hunting Dog roots that stem back to around the mid-19th century. They are also thought to have descended, at least in part, from the now extinct Rough Black and Tan Terriers from Wales.

This dog was developed by hunting fans to flush fox and other small critters out from their holes and dens. 

They were actually carried in the hunters’ saddlebags until they reached the destination of the hunt at which time they were released.  Then they would jump and take cover.  They would get very involved in what they were doing as they went into burrows and often had to be pulled out of the holes by their tails which were docked to be conveniently used as handles.  They were so good at their jobs, they became very popular during hunting season in the Old Country.

Queen Victoria of England and her son, King Edward Vll, owned a Wire Fox Terrier.  His name was Caesar.  The Wire didn’t become popular as a family pet, however, until 1930 when “The Thin Man” feature film series came out and had a Wire Fox Terrier named Asta in it.  There were other films that followed as well as a comic strip called “The Adventures of Tintin” that had a WFT in it.  By this time, he had made his way to America where he was embraced as well.

The notorious American Kennel Club welcomed the Wire Fox Terrier into their fold in 1885.  He is a proud member of the Terrier group and is Terrier through and through with his medium to high energy level and his love for activity and hunting.  He is often confused with his cousin, the Smooth Fox Terrier, but they are not the same breed.

Although his popularity had risen, it was soon to fall. More people were moving from rural farms and ranches to city living.  That posed a problem for the fox hunting Wire.  He had too much hunting in his heart to go city-dog, or, so it was believed.

The Wire Fox Terrier continues to struggle for his rightful spot but he’s found one place where’s he’s a sure fit and that is in dog show.  In 2019, he won 15 Best in Show titles at the Westminster Kennel Club which is considerably more than any other breed has won.  He also aced the competition in 1915 and 1916 and was the only dog to take home the honors on three occasions between 1907 and 1909 with the exception of a Smooth Fox Terrier named Warren Remedy.  While the WFT lost out in one area, the home popularity vote, he certainly made up for it in the show.

The wire-haired Fox Terrier is an escape artist since they are able to jump high and dig holes in an attempt to escape and explore.  He can certainly be a good companion and loyal to its family but they may be too energetic and a little too rough and tumble for very young children.  He should always be supervised around the young, old, or handicapped.

Add to this their strong instincts as a hunting dog, they will often chase and potentially injure small animals such as birds, cats, rabbits, and others critters and you can see why the Wire Fox isn’t always the best candidate for city living like in an apartment or condo.  He can be trained to be but sometimes, it’s just best to let sleeping dogs lie and active dogs be able to move around.

This pup is a fantastic trick dog.  He has been in circuses all around the world and loves performing.  With the Wire Fox, once you gain his cooperation, the sky is the limit.

Many have fallen in love with the Wire Fox Terrier.  Charles Darwin had one named Polly.  The now deceased famous actor, Humphrey Bogart and the late actor Jack Lemmon had one too.  Broadway and Hollywood actor Warren Williams has two, Jack and Jill.


Wirehaired Fox Terriers are lively and active dogs with short, basically non-shedding, white colored fur with brown or black markings. This small to medium sized dog is very powerful and has well-defined muscles, much more so than you might expect him to have.  Most all of his physical traits, like his personality ones, are rooted in being bred to hunt.  He is stout - extremely strong in the hindquarters and has an unbelievable fast yet graceful gait when he runs.

In general, the Wire Fox typically stands around 14 to 16 inches for a male and 13 to 15 inches for a female. Females are usually a bit shorter. The average weight is 15 to 19 pounds with females weighing slightly less.  Much more importance is paid to proportion when showing than it is actual height or weight but still, males aren’t supposed to stand over 15.5 inches tall and females aren’t to be over 12 inches tall.

His skull is tapered, flat, and the ears are folded into a V shape. His face is long and sleek but also has a boxy look to it mostly due to the beard he sports   He has dark, expressive eyes.

As the name suggests, he has a dense double coat with the outer one being extremely wiry in texture. In the days of old, his coat kept him from getting riddled with burs and being scratched too deeply when he ran into briars after a rabbit or a fox.  It was also very good protection against the elements he encountered like harsh weather or rough and rugged terrain.

The undercoat is softer and shorter than the top dense coat is.  In fact, the outer coat is so thick, you can part it and still not see even a hint of his skin.  That helped immensely when he was a hunter in the wild.  A light layer of his coat tends to cover his belly and around his hind legs.

The coat, in general, may have a slight wave to it.  Usually, the Wires are solid white with just some markings on their face and elsewhere.  Brindle, red coats, slate blues, and liver colored WFTs are rare and are disqualified from shows but still make excellent companions.

The tail of a Wire Fox is usually docked which came in handy when trying to retrieve him from a tight fox hole in got a little too deep into.  Yes, even his tail end was born for his job as a fox hunter.


Wire Fox Terriers are very active dogs.  They need special nutrients to keep their energy up.  It is highly recommended to pet parents to provide high-quality food for this breed but one that is specially formulated for small-sized breeds.

It is also advised that you take some time to discuss your dog’s feeding regime with your veterinarian and/or breeder in order to determine the size and frequency of his meals and in order to ensure he’s getting all he needs to help him enjoy a healthy, long life.

If not allowed to exercise in the manner that this breed is accustomed to, he does have the tendency to gain some weight.  He loves to eat - especially yummy people food and delicious treats.  While it may seem cute at first to see a little pudgy puppy, it is actually very harmful medically. 

Just as with humans, obesity in dogs can open the door for future medical problems like Diabetes, heart disease, bone and joint stress, and a myriad of other maladies.  Be sure to limit his in-between meal snacking so he can concentrate on eating the nutritious dog food you provide for him.


Grooming the Wirehaired is not as much of a daunting task as you might think.  His hair is haphazard and wiry (as his name implies)’s supposed to be.  So, within reason, you just go with the natural look, thank heavens.  His coat is basically non-shedding but you’ll want to brush through it every week or so to keep it healthy and to circulate the blood in the underlying skin as well.

He’ll need a bath from time to time.  When he gets dirty or starts to smell a bit gamey, you know a bath is due.  Otherwise, one every few months should be sufficient.  The wiry texture of his coat is that way for a reason.  It offers him protection from the elements of the weather and the terrain so shampooing him too often can change the dynamics of it entirely.  When you do bathe him, be sure to use a dog-friendly, conditioning shampoo that is hypoallergenic.  The skin of the WFT is known to be very sensitive.  Lightly fluff him dry afterward.

If your dog is not outside enough to naturally wear down his toenails, you’ll want to clip them yourself.  Even if he does, you’ll need to check for chipping, splitting, and cracking.  This pup loves to dig so see to it that his nails free of dirt and mud.

Be sure to keep his ears clean and dry to prevent ear infections.  Ear infections are fairly common in this breed.  If he paws at his ears or if you notice redness, swelling, or irritation, have his ears looked at right away.  Untreated ear infections can warrant surgery and can lead to deafness.

By all means, keep up with your Wirehaired’s dental hygiene.  Dental disease is a big problem with pets in general but the WFT tends to have more issues than most dogs.  Brush his teeth once or twice per week with a doggie toothpaste and toothbrush to help prevent tartar build-up which can lead to cavities and also to prevent gum disease.  Plus, his breath will smell fresher too.  Don’t forget to have his teeth professionally cleaned and examined as well.


The Wire Fox needs plenty of daily exercise.  He’ll require at least 45 minutes to an hour per day.  Before you even attempt to take him out for a walk, however, you will need to firmly and assertively establish your authority as the leader of the pack.  There can be no question about who’s the boss but it is also important not to be harsh with this breed or you’ll have a sour student, for sure.

When going out the door to your walk, make sure that you lead and he follows.  Invite him to go along with you.  You control the walk, not him.  Without this authority firmly in place, he will happily assume the role of leader.  Make sure on the actual walk, he walks beside or behind you.  Do not let him get away with stopping for this and that and certainly keep a good grip on his leash.  If a squirrel or cat darts out, his instincts are sure to take over.  Be ready!

Keep your walk at a steady pace.  This will help him get his high energy out and will also cause him to focus on the walk rather than all the things of interest around him that are tempting distractions.  And, he will be distracted so, expect it!

You can break the walk up into two thirty or forty-five minute walks twice a day if you prefer.  Sometimes that works out best for him and it may for you as well.  This dog gets bored very easily so dividing his walking time up can help keep him mentally and physically stimulated and with the Wire Fox, that’s the name of the game.

In between his walks, some good playtime is in order.  Remember, he loves balls!  He’ll gladly play fetch with you.  The Wire Fox is a fun loving dog so he’s up for just about any activity you toss his way.  He also loves a good game of chase and adores Hide and Go Seek too.  Think of the things his ancestors did back in the day when they were fox hunting and that will help spur your imagination to think of more fun things to do with him.  He is sure to think of a few himself if you give him the chance to.  He’s quite the creative fellow, you know.

Don’t leave brain exercise out of the mix! He’s super smart so you want him to stay that way.  You’ll find books and online instructions for games that will challenge him mentally and he will simply amaze you with his skills.  He can do treat mazes and can work some puzzles too. He’ll be as proud of himself as you are of him.  It took a lot of thinking, problem-solving, and other brain work for this breed to survive and also to thrive as a hunter of some pretty sly critters so you can see how important it is that you give him plenty of brain exercise.

If you are going hiking or out to do something physical, invite this fellow along. He loves to accompany his person.  He’s very athletic and loves to run and do whatever it is you are doing right along with you.  Keep a good eye on him though.

Remember that exercising this dog is not an option. It is a must.  The difference between a good Wire Fox and a naughty one is the length of a walk. If you are not capable or not willing to do so, will you hire someone to do it for forever?  If not, count this little guy out because he will never be happy or healthy without the proper amount of exercise each and every day.  If you are active and are ready for a companion that can roll right along with you, you may have just found your match made in heaven.

Pet Crate Size

Pet Crates Direct recommends 30” dog crates* for most adult Wire Fox Terriers.

* Links for crate sizes will bring you to the most appropriate Amazon page.

More Information

Wire Fox Terrier - Fun Facts and Crate Size


The Fox Terrier is a playful pup in some ways, but in other ways, he’s all business and that business is hunting.  And, boy oh, boy...can he hunt!

He’s an interesting fellow, one of the most curious and impulsive there is.  After all, he’s a Terrier, more so than most.  What else would we expect him to be like?

While classified by most as a medium energy, medium-sized dog, the Wire Fox has times when he is bounding with energy.  He must be exercised each and every day.  He loves to play and has a special place in his heart for balls.  You’d think they were foxes the way he goes after them.  In fact, he loves toys of all kinds so you’ll want to make sure he has a toy box full of them.

While this breed is a lover of the outdoors, he can’t be trusted off-leash unless he is on a farm or a ranch and even then, he very well might get himself into trouble.  He loves to walk rather than to run and loves to give chase to anything that is moving.  He can dig and climb too so the chances of him staying in a fenced backyard and next to nil. Sometimes, he acts strictly on impulse, darting off before he even thinks about it.  For this reason, in addition to training him, you’ll also need to keep him safely confined to a leash or in a fenced backyard with supervision.  Don’t think you can catch him if he runs off.  He’s fast!

This Terrier has a peppery personality that one either adores...or not.  He is feisty and tends to be a daredevil.  He has a tendency to be manipulative because he’s smart enough to figure out how to get exactly what he wants.  For these reasons and more, the Wire Fox Terrier does best with a pet parent who is physically active and has the willingness and the ability to be stern and assertive yet patient and kind with him.  Oh, he’s stubborn alright and can have a very strong will.  But, if you are a determined person with a stubborn streak of your own, you very well make a great match.

He is, however, a lover of people.  He might not always show it in the way you would expect but he can be highly affectionate and is extremely loyal.  He makes a good watchdog, alerting at any sign of trouble and not afraid to take care of things if the need exists. 

He won’t back off if challenged by another animal either.  He wouldn’t have made a very courageous hunting dog if that were the case.  He should be supervised when around dogs (or any other animal) that he doesn’t know.  If he grows up with another dog or a cat, he’s usually good with them.  Never, never leave him unattended with a pocket pet like a gerbil, hamster, or mouse and he’s not much of one to refrain from chasing larger animals either like rabbits or even kittens.  His heavy prey drive just overwhelms him.  It’s really not his fault.  He was bred to hunt, period...the end.

With the family, he should be supervised around young children.  He can be very protective and good with them but he can also be too high strung as well. He is so happy, he’d make a great therapy dog if he was settled down enough.  Certainly, this dog is good to cheer up anyone though.  He loves being the life of the party and soaks up all the attention he can.  If he’s not getting enough, he’ll create a situation, good or bad, to change that.

The Wire Fox can be possessive of his precious toys and even of his food.  He’s dynamic, tough, and sturdy for such a small guy.  He won’t be content to lounge around in your lap all day but if he’s really tired...he just might.

Always expect the unexpected with this adventure seeker.  He will run away in the blink of an eye.  He loves to chase cars, kids on bikes, cats, other dogs, and so forth.  He will defend himself and his family even if he misunderstands an action and just thinks there is danger lurking.  This dog means business.  He has wrestled with the best - like foxes, boars, badgers, and even wolves - and often times has come out ahead.  He’s tough as nails and as determined as the day is long. 

Those qualities were all good and noble in the days of old.  They made him a champion hunter and helped him survive too.  Now, however, they can pose a problem of mammoth size.  This is why many Wire Fox Terriers are surrendered to shelters and to rescue groups.  They can be overwhelming.  But, you’ve been warned.  And...there’s always their good side to love on.

Although he is tough and is a lover of the outdoors, he should stay in at night.  His outside survival skills are lacking since he’s been domesticated and, with his curiosity and sprite personality, you might not find him there waiting at the porch for you in the morning.

Allergy suffers rejoice, though.  The Wire Fox Terrier is practically non-shedding.  He’s not difficult to groom like you might expect him to be which a good thing because getting him to stay still long enough to do much grooming could be a problem.

If this pup is going to live in a small space or is going to have neighbors at all, he will need to be trained for good behavior and taught not to bark when it is inappropriate to do so.  He is trainable so that’s the good news.

While this bolt of energy isn’t the easiest dog to have, he’s certainly a great one.  If a fireball fits into your lifestyle and you are a confident, somewhat experienced dog person, keep reading because you are sure to find out more that will break or make the deal.

As with all pets, it is also important to ensure that clean, fresh water is always available.


Although training a WFT can be a challenge alright, remember that he once was a hunting dog.  He worked for the hunters, basically.  He has also been in circuses so you know he is highly trainable.  And keep in mind this breed holds the Best in Show record,  You don’t do all those things and not be able to be trained.

The trainer has much to do with this dog’s ability to be trained.  No, that doesn’t mean you have to be a professional trainer - not at all.  But, you do have to set yourself up as the dominant one, his alpha leader.  You also must be consistent, loving, assertive, and kind.  Patience is another heaven.  If you ever “lose it” with this guy, you will not win.  He is very sensitive and stubborn which is a dangerous combination.  He also loves his people though and he really gets into making them happy.  He soaks up all the attention he can and if you build on those things as a foundation, you’ll have it made.

This dog will thrive on plenty of praise for a job well done and an occasional goodie every not and then.  Remember to limit his snacks to so reserve them for extra special accomplishments.

Housebreaking will most likely be your dog’s first encounter with training. Since the Wire Fox Terrier loves going outside, chances are he’ll take right to “going” outside.  Be sure to let him out often as his little bladder won’t be able to “hold it” too long.  Give him tons of praise when he does his business at the right time in the right place.

Crate training your Wire Fox is a good idea.  Hunting dogs are prime candidates for such a technique.  When implemented in a positive way, his crate takes the place of a den which served as a safe spot years ago.  You’ll find loads of information on crate training online by way of websites, eBooks, and hard copy books too.  Do be sure to use it as a positive training tool though and not for punishment.  When introduced and used properly, his den can be his safe haven and can reinforce his training lessons as well.

Socializing your Wire Fox Terrier is imperative.  It will make the difference in him being socially acceptable and adapted his entire life long.  Expose him to all the scenarios you can when he is very young like taking him to loud and busy places and quite, no-barking spots too.  Have him around a wide variety of people of all ages and make sure he meets other dogs too.  He can be alright with cats but definitely watch him.  If he grows up around one, he is generally tolerant but otherwise, he may give chase to one he considers a stranger.  Never let him around pockets pets like gerbils or hamsters.

Manners are quite important, especially with this breed because with a little effort, he can be the perfect gentleman but he can easily be a holy terror as well.  Teach him not to jump on people or to get on anyone’s lap, uninvited.  Nip his barking and digging tendencies in the bud too.

When it comes to obedience training, start with the basic commands like sit, stay, and heel.  Remember that his training is for his own safety and well-being as well as for that of people and other dogs.  He will need to obey without being enticed by a treat in order to complete this class.  Imagine if he suddenly sees a critter and slips off his leash to chase it. 

It is vital that he be trained well enough to mind you when you tell him to stop, come, or whichever command you chose to use at the moment.  If he only responds when a reward is in sight, he could get into grave danger.  That would also mean that he had you trained rather than vice versa.  This dog is slick and has been noted to be a bit on the manipulative side.  Remind him that you are the alpha, his leader, and don’t back down.  If you give in once and let him run the show, you’ll be in for a world of trouble.

Lure course training is ideal for the WFT.  It involves him chasing a lure which is mechanically operated that simulates prey, right down his alley.  You can take him for formal training or even build a DIY course on his own turf.  This type of training works for both his mind and his body and is highly advised for this breed.

Agility training is yet another fun and rewarding activity for the Wire.  He is very agile and athletic and unbelievably quick.  He’s super smart so he’ll have no trouble catching on and keeping up.  Just as with the lure course, you can take him to formal agility training classes and to the course or you can build one in his own backyard. 

This dog can do some tricks too!  He is a class act.  Rolling over, playing dead, shaking, and dancing are all tricks that he can master.  You can find books and eBooks that are loaded with performance tricks this dog will master in no time.  He’ll eat up the attention and once was a circus performer so let him shine.

You’ll definitely want to work with your Wire Fox on doing some spectacular brain training lessons.  He’s one of the most capable students in this department so give him all he can muster.  He will rise to the challenge and will appreciate the intellectual stimulation in the long run.


The Wirehaired Fox is generally a pretty healthy dog.  He typically enjoys around 12 to 15 years of life expectancy.  During this time he will hopefully not encounter any of the medical issues that are common to the breed or from any other source.  But, he could.  It is wise to watch out for problems so you can take him in to be seen and possibly diagnosed at the first sign of trouble.  If there is a medical woe, speedy treatment is your best defense.  Being aware of potential problems will also help you know how you can apply preventative measures in some cases to avoid issues if possible.

When acquiring your Wire Fox Terrier, be sure you go through a responsible breeder who has a good number of verifiable references.  Wirehairs bring a pretty penny so they are tempting for greedy breeders to breed without regards to the health of the parents or the pup.  Be sure to get certificates of health and information on any tests run for parents and the prospective puppy you have in mind.

Some of the health woes that are common to the Wire Fox are passed down hereditarily and some conditions plague them for unknown reasons.  Here are some things to watch for if you have a WFT:

Wirehairs have a number of eye issues that you’ll want to keep a watch out for.  Primary Lens Luxation, also known as PPL, involves the tiny little fibers that hold the lens of the eye intact so it suspends within the eye.  When PPL occurs, those tiny fibers degrade and break.  That causes the lens of the eye to drop out of its proper place.  In the event that the lens falls forward, the normal circulation of the eye can become blocked which, in turn, will likely lead to secondary Glaucoma.  This condition can be quite painful.  If your dog’s eye or eyes are drooping or dropping, take him to his vet as soon as possible.  Surgery may be required to remove the lens that is loose so that the pain can be relieved.

Cataracts are another eye malady that is fairly common to the Wire Fox.  This condition involves a film on the lens of the eye.  It may be just a tiny spot about the size of a pinhead, or it might cover the entire lens.  If left untreated, it can greatly interfere with your dog’s eyesight and can lead to more serious problems like blindness.  If you notice a filmy covering or spot in your pooch’s eye or if he is having trouble seeing, like bumping into furniture, people, etc., be sure to have his eyes examined.  The treatment for Cataracts is quite simple so it would be a shame not to seek help for him.

Glaucoma is not unusual in the WFT group.  It is an accumulation of pressure within the eye due to ducts being plugged up so that moisture cannot escape which leads to the pressure.  Watering eyes, bluing of the cornea, pain, redness, squinting, and overall loss of vision are symptoms of Glaucoma. There may also be enlarging or swelling of the eyes.  The condition is very painful and can certainly lead to blindness. This eye issue is one of the most serious ones.  It should be treated as an emergency so if you suspect your Wirehaired has the condition, get him in to see his vet immediately.

Distichiasis is a disorder that is rare but is seen in the Wirehaired Terrier.  It involves the growth of eyelashes from the Meibomian gland orifices which are on the posterior lamella of the tarsal plate.  All that boils down to eyelashes growing where they shouldn’t be, including inside the eye.  This can range from being irritating to being painful.  If you notice this problem in your dog, be sure to take him to the vet.

Obesity is a real problem with this breed, believe it or not.  While at first, your pudgy puppy may look adorable as a roly-poly, there’s nothing cute about the medical implications being overweight can lead to.  Just as it in humans, obesity is an open door for all sorts of medical problems.  Joint and bone issues are common in dogs that are overweight because of the stress placed on them from the extra weight. 

Back issues, heart disease, and Diabetes are other issues that can be directly related to being obese.  Sure, it’s not easy turning down those sad eyes, but do your Wirehaired a favor and limit his snacks.  Give him some extra love and attention instead.  He’ll be healthier and happier for you doing so.  Keep a close eye on his calorie intake and his exercise ratio.  If you are working with him on his weight and he is still too chunky, speak with his vet.  She will be able to recommend the best plan for his weight loss and a healthy maintenance plan.

Infections run rampant in the Wire Fox family for some unknown reason.  Both viral infections and bacterial infections are all too common.  Distemper, Rabies, and Parvo are three of the most widely reported ones in this breed which is sad because they can be prevented through vaccinations.

Legg-Perthes Disease is a generic issue in nature that entails a degeneration which spontaneously occurs within the head of a dog’s hind leg, or femur bone.  The blood supply is cut off during the course of the disease.  It, therefore, results in the disintegration of the actual hip bone and causes inflammation of the joints as well which is known as osteoarthritis.  The cause is not known but WFTs are especially prone to this condition.  Most dogs show the symptoms around five to eight months of age.  Be sure to take your pup to the vet immediately if he is having trouble walking, is favoring a leg or legs, or if he seems to be in pain stemming from the leg and hip area.

Allergies are a big problem for Wire Fox Terriers.  They often have skin contact issues that occur from exposure to grass, carpet, soaps and shampoos, laundry soap residue, or other things that touch their skin.  Their skin becomes itchy and may be inflamed too.  They are also sensitive to food allergies and may break out or even have respiratory trouble as a result of eating something they are allergic to so beware if your Wire Fox has any new food.  Your vet can prescribe ointments or other remedies for allergies so make sure to mention it to her if your WFT is showing signs of allergies.

In humans, an allergy to pollen, mold, or dust makes people sneeze and their eyes itch. In dogs, rather than sneeze, allergies make their skin itchy. We call this skin allergy “atopy”, and Fox Terriers often have it. Commonly, the feet, belly, folds of the skin, and ears are most affected. Symptoms typically start between the ages of one and three and can get worse every year. Licking the paws, rubbing the face, and frequent ear infections are the most common signs. The good news is that there are many treatment options available for this condition.

Deafness runs in the Wire Fox Terrier breed.  Congenital deafness is the main type that occurs which means it is passed through his genes.  Deafness entails the permanent or, sometimes temporary, loss of hearing in both or just one of his ears.  The genetic type of deafness is usually seen at birth but other types include those that occur as a result of trauma, a bad ear infection, a blocked ear canal, or old age.  If you find your dog is not responding when you call him or doesn’t appear to be startled by a loud noise, it is a wise idea to have his hearing check by his vet.

Is a Wire Fox Terrier the Right Dog for Me?

So, if you are finding yourself smitten with this rough-riding, fox chasing, stick of dynamite, you’re in good company.  Many others have fallen in love with him through the years too.  There’s just something about the wiry, self-made, loveable little creature that warms one’s heart.  He’s got just the right mix of independence and dependence to make him an occasional lapdog but an active, athletic companion as well.  Before you run out and bring a Wirehaired home though, be sure that you’re sure.  Many WFT is waiting for their forever homes in shelters and rescue facilities because their original pet parents didn’t do their homework and were overwhelmed by this type of Terrier.

The Wire Fox has to have ample exercise which will include at least 45 minutes to an hour of formal walking each day.  There is no way around this.  He is a holy terror if he has too much energy pent up.  You really can’t blame him though.

Are you an active person?  This dog will thrive with someone he can go on hikes, bikes, and mountain climbs with.  He’s always up for a fun activity.  He would be very bored if he isn’t with a family who likes to take him on outings.  After all, he used to hunt foxes all day so he’s not a lazy lap dog by any stretch of the imagination.

Do you have pocket pets in the household?  If so, it’s really not advisable to bring the WFT into the mix unless you have a foolproof way to contain the little fellow.  Even rabbits and chickens are questionable.  With the right socialization, however, this dog can get along with other dogs and even cats.  He’s awesome with people providing he’s not allowed to be too high strung with kids.

If you have examined all the needs and traits of the Wirehaired and still find that your heart is set on one, congratulations.  There will never be a dull moment in your life- he will make sure of that.  And he’ll make sure there’s never a void in your heart as well.

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English Bulldogs are known for their unique build and charming personalities. To ensure their comfort and happiness, ...
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