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How To Brush Dog Fur Properly: A Guide

Brush dog

Brushing dog fur is a relieving experience for your dog but, for you, it may feel the opposite of that. With so much to brush, it could all get confusing. But it doesn't have to be.

With the right dog brush and proper technique, your pet will be groomed and ready in no time. So how do you brush dog fur the right way? If you want to know the answer to this question and more, you've come to the right place. 

Everything you need to know about brushing your dog's coat is waiting below. 

Why Brush Dog Fur?

It is no secret that a newly brushed dog looks better, but the benefits of regular brushing go far beyond that. Brushing your dog gives you the perfect opportunity to check their body for any lumps, cuts, and other concerning marks you may have never seen under all their fur.

This will save your dog from any potential harm or side effects these unseen issues could cause. A proper brush will also redistribute the natural oils in your dog's coat. These oils play a big role in the health and cleanliness of your pet's fur. 

Brushing will help your dog feel better as well. They may not be able to say it, but removing any mats, bugs, dirt, etc.) from their fur would make anyone feel great; especially your furry friend. 

How Often You Should Brush Your Dog 

There is no definite answer to this question because it all depends on the length, type, and coarseness of their coat. Short-haired dog breeds can usually last two weeks between each brush. This is because their fur is too short to mat or tangle like longer-haired dogs. 

Dog's with medium-length, long, or wiry fur should all get brushed at least once a week. If their fur tends to mat more severely, try finding time in your schedule to brush them a few times a week. This may seem tedious, but it will save you the unfortunate task of shaving off their damaged fur. 

If your dog is currently a puppy, try familiarizing them with their brush now. Doing this will ensure they aren't afraid of the brush once they get to an age that requires a strict brushing schedule. 

How to Brush Dog Fur 

Before you begin brushing your pet's fur, take note of any problem areas you will come across. Knowing where they are will help you prepare for them when the time comes. It is also smart to avoid these areas until later in the brush if your dog is new to this process.

Mats and tangles can feel a little painful at first and beginning with these could scare your pet. You may want to ignore these places, but this is not a good idea. All of your pet's fur needs to get brushed for the brushing process to be effective. 

Instead, start slow on these areas and reward your dog with a treat during and after the process. 

1. Where to Start? 

When brushing your pet, the best starting point is their head. From here you can work your way down to the body and tail. When brushing the head, be as gentle as possible. 

There is little padding in this area, making it sensitive to the brush's bristles. If your pet's hair is longer, section off the strands and brush each one away from their face. You may need to do a couple of passes with your brush before the strands are tangle-free. 

If these areas are close to their eyes, nose, or mouth take note of this and proceed gently. Your dog's ears should also be brushed during this time. This is done similarly to their face, but you need to use a spray bottle to wet the ear hair if there are large mats. 

This will help them come out easier. 

2. Brushing the Body

After the face, you should move on to your dog's neck. The best way to brush this is by combing it in the direction it should naturally go. This will lay it down and smooth it back to its natural lay.

If their hair is longer, use a dog comb to get through thicker hair. Once this is done, the next part to focus on is the legs. If your pet is short-haired, you do not need to worry about this part.

If your pooch is long-haired, roll them over onto their back and use your comb to feather out their leg hair. If there are strong mats in this area, use a mat spray to help loosen them up.

3. Tackling the Underbelly and Back

After the main part of the body is complete, move on to the underbelly. This part is fairly simple to brush. All you need to do is gently use a slick brush to lay the fur down in its natural position.

Your dog's back is the next place to target once this is complete. Unlike the underbelly, you need to take a dog shedding brush and go against the coat. This will collect any loose fur sitting in their coat. 

After this is complete, brush with the coat and lay the fur in its original position. 

4. The Bottom Area 

Lastly, you need to tackle your dog's behind. You do this by taking the fur brush of your choice and gently brushing with the coat. You'll need to do this a few times, but once you finish their bottom will look much better. 

If your dog has short hair you're finished! But if their's is longer, you'll need to feather the hind legs and gently comb out their tail. Once this is complete, you too are done!

Brush Your Dog

Now that you're ready to brush dog fur, it's time to get started. If you need a comb, brush, or two before you begin, check out our products at  Pet Crates Direct. We have all the grooming supplies listed above and more.

Explore our website to shop our dog brushes or view more of our items.

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