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Hunting Dogs - Dealing with Heat and Training

Hunting Dogs Puppy Training

Hunting Dogs - Dealing with Heat and Training

While all of us are happy to see winter go, and we are all ready to get outdoors, we have to consider how to handle not only ourselves but our furry, four-legged friends as well. We are all far less sedentary in the warm weather and this brings up a number of concerns for both people and their dogs.

The secret to getting back into a more active lifestyle, of course, is moderation. While it’s easy to get out and enjoy the nice weather, don’t forget that if you are like most of us and spend most of the winter in the house, returning to high activity levels in warm weather can mean heat exhaustion. Vets and dog trainers alike warn about the high risk to dogs during this time, especially after a long winter spent indoors.

Start Slow and Work Up

Every athlete knows they won’t win any medals on their first day of training. The same is true for us and for our dogs. Start out with shorter walks and gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts. Watch your dog carefully for signs that he’s reached his limit. Watch yourself too – you may reach your limit before he does! As long as your dog is healthy, it won’t take him long to get back into shape and be able to maintain an active schedule.

If you were going to run a marathon, you would not go from your sofa to a twenty-mile run, would you? Certainly not – you would work up slowly. Things are no different when dealing with your dog. Start out slow, and every day adds time onto your daily trek with your furry friend.

Regardless of whether your dog is your special family friend or a hunter, be sure that the exercise that they are getting is in line with their overall health. Watch to make sure that your dog is content, and not overly exercised and gradually increase the activity level. For most dogs, going from low activity to high activity is not a long drawn out process. The more energy they expend, the higher their energy level will be.


Always be cognizant of the hottest times of the day. Take advantage of the early morning and late evenings when the heat is not intense. Remember that concrete and asphalt get extremely hot and can easily burn your dog’s sensitive paw pads. Planning on when the best times to exercise are will keep you and your pet cooler during your workouts.


Most of us like to have our haircut shorter for summer wear. Think about your long-haired dog (or those who have dual coats). Keeping their hair trimmed and brushed in the warmer weather becomes even more important. One word of caution: if you are having a groomer cut your dog's hair, make sure they do not cut it too short – just like you, your dog can suffer from sunburn. This is especially important if your dog has light colored fur, as they tend to be more sensitive to the sun.

Cooling Off

We often wonder how our dogs perspire in the summer – especially in the heat of the day. Canines unlike people do not perspire through sweating, but instead through panting – perspiring through the mouth. Dogs’ bodies cool down from moving air and from shaded areas (or a dip in the water). They do not, however, cool down as quickly as we do. Keep your dog in an area where he will have access to shaded and if possible, moving air. This will help him stay cool and comfortable in the hot sun.

Watch For Heat-Related Problems

Owners need to know the signs of heat stroke in dogs:

  • Labored or deep and uncontrolled breathing or excessive panting with broken rhythm
  • Tacky and bright red gums
  • Fatigue, unwillingness to move, or collapse

Immediately get your dog out of the heat when you see him exhibiting the above symptoms. You can wet him down with cool or tepid water, but do not use ice-cold water as it could make the situation worse. Use wet towels to keep your dog wet, but move them constantly so that air can flow over the dog’s body. Do not submerge your dog suddenly or put him in a deep pool. In a state of heat stroke, he cannot swim and could drown.

Your dog should begin to improve shortly after you take these measures. If not, be certain to contact your vet for emergency care. While chances are the dog might be fine by the time you get there it’s better to have them checked out and make sure. This is definitely a case of better safe than sorry.

Remember to pay attention to your comfort level and that of your dog’s. Exercise your bodies and your caution to keep yourself and your dog safe during the summer.

Having a dog is like having a child, they become part of you and your family, with the being said you have to make sure you have the proper hunting dogs supplies as well. There are lots of great brands out there. Some of the most popular supplies include: Tracker Maxima 5000 and Innotek ADV 300 Do your research and choose which one is right for you and your dog.

Dog Training Bumpers

What do you need to successfully train your dog? Other than Tritronics collars and SportDOG shock collars, one of the hunting dog supplies you’ll need is the dog training bumper. The ideal one for training your retriever is one that is made to last for repetitive use, and flexible, soft plastic.

Hallmark Dog Training Bumpers

You can find dog training bumpers in many different styles and sizes so that you can train any type of retriever. A brand called Hallmark offers a wide range of high-quality training bumpers, particularly those constructed of plastic or foam. You will have your choice of plastic, feather-holding, and canvas-covered. Regardless of which one you go for, you’ll see that they are very durable, and have a realistic feel which will help your dog with his retrieval skills. These training bumpers are also safe and non-toxic to your dog. A great feature is that these training bumpers can hold duck scents, which makes the training of your dog easier and more effective.

Regardless of the type of dog training bumpers, you buy to make sure you look for the following features in each of them:

A) Superb construction

B) Durable materials

C) Safe, non-toxic materials

If you’re training a puppy, you’ll likely be best served with plastic training bumpers. These are less expensive, are usually more durable (until the puppy has learned to “soft mouth”), and come in many bright colors for easy spotting.

Dog training dummies

Training dummies that float are also very useful and popular training tools. Using foam-bodied dummies with your training can better simulate retrieving in the field and better prepare your dog for the job. Remember that “bumpers” and “dummies” are interchangeable names that apply to both types of training tool, whether it’s land or water-based. They’ll both help you train your dog to hunt and retrieve fowl for you.

How to use dog training bumpers and dog training dummies

To get the most out of these useful tools, it’s recommended that you use them with scent. Duck and goose scents are readily available in most hunting supply stores. The scent is usually injected into the dummies (bumpers) and is a value added tool for successfully training your retriever.

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